Post Jam Update!


I've made a post Jam Update to Neuro Gear!

A lot of bug fixing quality of life improvements etc.

The biggest feature added is OPTIONS MENU!

Yes  you heard me right now you can...

* Change the game resolution!

* Change the game volume!

* Change the camera sensitivity!

* Enable fullscreen mode! or disable fullscreen mode!

Besides these amazing features you can also...

* Enable pixelation mode!

* Enable... EVIL MODE!

You can also access options through Pause Menu that you open with ESC or P button.

and um that's it for options... BUT besides this now you can lay your eyes upon

*A minimap! now you won't get lost in the facility... unless you do then um... 

* There is also new Dynamic Camera System! when you walk, sneak or crawl the camera will change it's position slightly to adjust for the change of players height!

and that's it for now. I'm really glad that a lot of people enjoyed my silly little creation. There might be some additional updates later, but we will see.

Thanks for reading!


Neuro Gear Operation Cookie Retrieval 1.1 Play in browser
57 days ago
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57 days ago

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(1 edit) (+1)

Cool might check it out again some time later (*^▽^*)